Thursday, August 2, 2012

Craig Charnock Presentations Feedback 2012

Hey guys
I have been giving a number of presentations over the years, but never really marketed it.  I speak to corporates, schools, students, whoever.  Always fun, informative, interactive and a little bit funny ;)  I give very flexible talks, specific to the occasion, and can use audio-visual elements, or just speaking, but either way, the talk is inspiring, empowering and entertaining. Please email craig at learnxhosa dot co dot za for more info.  In the meanwhile, please see feedback below, or watch my recent TEDx talk to a group of 350 educators live.  Video further up in this blog.

Yhu! Enkosi kakhulu! Craig, that was terrific! I am only sorry you weren't a fly on the wall in my lesson after to hear the boys bubbling over. You made a massive impression - all positive too! You have extended your fan base and really made these boys think and feel. They are all adamant that you should be a permanent fixture on the Gr 7 school calendar - a compliment indeed!
Lisa Harris, Head of isiXhosa WPPS

Thank you SO much for coming in- your talk was inspiring, thought-provoking and so well received by everyone. It sparked a lot of interest and really got people thinking and talking.  Some feedback from the group:
"It inspired me and really opened my eyes. I learnt a lot."
"Inspiring, intelligent, ingenious."  People took to it incredibly well.
Nina Bloch, Westerford High

Hey, you are a definite hit… - and trust me, there is no more sincere and honest flattery than that from 13-year-olds when it is spontaneous!  You pitched your talk perfectly and had something in it to appeal to each of the boys at a variety of levels. Most of all, your enthusiasm, knowledge, humour and genuine engagement has inspired the boys. (Gives me hope for the future of SA!) Unquestionably, the vids help.
Lisa Harris, Western Province Prep School

Charismatic, talented and doing something really important, Craig should be working in every school in the country!
Georgina Stirrup, Accelerate Cape Town

Craig it was an awesome presentation, The boys are still talking about it and I truly believe you motivated some guys to do something about learning an African language."  Tim Stirrup, Head of Lingua Franca society, Bishops

I watched your TEDxED video again last night – INSPIRATIONAL stuff. Thanks again for putting in so much effort. Of the 60 audience feedback forms I’ve got most rated your and Xola’s talks as their top favourites. Well done!  Terence Themba Berry, TedX Education Organiser

What I liked personally was for someone other than myself saying how important and valuable learning another language like Xhosa can be. I just wish more pupils would take it as a subject. It was interesting to hear your background and your journey and about the making of the video. Thanks for promoting the language because it is an uphill battle, especially as it has lost even more status in primary schools because it falls outside the "core" subjects which pupils are forced to take.  I hope you will continue to inspire others to make an effort so that they and our country can benefit!
Cuan Dugmore, Head of Xhosa, Westerford High

Thanks for an excellent presentation.  There was an excellent opportunity for young men at Bishops who are mostly from a privileged background to witness first-hand how an OD has broken with convention and embraced another culture thus reaching out in a truly South African way in the broadest sense of the word.  Paul Murray, History Teacher

Thank you so much for your wonderful presentation and that you were willing to be one of our speakers at the Pecha Kucha event. Judging by our audience response, you were one of the favourites!
Ronnie Belcher, Pecha Kucha Cape Town

Craig Charnock was one of our speakers at our PechaKucha Night here in Cape Town in June 2011. This international event ( ) is hosted in over 417 cities worldwide and is a platform created to inspire others. Craig was a brilliant speaker, who totally captivated the audience. His passion was contagious. When the audience participated in vocalising the three xhosa clicks, they were totally engaged. Fantastic. Thanks, Dave Cotton,

Your presentation at TEDx - other than being engaging and powerful - was personally encouraging to me and gave me some good quotes and evidence to continue the promotion of Xhosa teaching at our school - as with CAPS next year this could be an optional extra at primary school level.
Kind regards, Colleen Moore

“The stories you shared with the group about your journey with African traditional medicine were captivating and inspiring.  Thank you!”
Stewart Chirova
Academic Director, South Africa: Multiculturalism and Human Rights
SIT Study Abroad, a program for World Learning Inc,

“Craig, your contribution to the programme was simply stunning and I only wish we had more time to do justice to your input.  Just watching their body language as you spoke - from the heart - conveyed to me their interest - you came over exceptionally well.  With warm regards” 
Trevor Wilkins, Organizer - Rotary Ambassadorial Orientation - 2006

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